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alternative-dispute-resolution .
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Showing posts with label
alternative-dispute-resolution .
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Alternative Dispute Resolution | It was one of the first and biggest consolidated arbitrations administered by a major arbitral institution in Indonesia. The arbitration was initiated by more than 30 retail customers on the basis of more than 70 contracts. This entailed an extensive evidentiary process involving a substantial amount of documentary evidence, factual witnesses, and experts covering capital markets, contract law, criminal law , and even forensics issues. This required tight coordination among all related parties, including the experts, the factual witnesses, and the client itself to ensure that the work is done in a harmonious way. It is a pleasure to announce another recent success of our Litigation & Alternative Dispute Resolution team in representing the Indonesian branch of a multinational securities company in an unprecedented “mass arbitration” at the Financial Services Sector Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution (Lembaga Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa Sektor Jasa Keuangan) (LAPS SJK).
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